1. Initial Submission
- 2.1A-Application-Form-Initial-Submission
- 2.5-Protocol-Summary
- 2.7A-Protocol-Information
- 2.7B-Protocol-Evaluation-Form
- 2.8-Informed-Consent-Evaluation-Form
- MMCIRB- Informed Consent Template- Guidelines.docx
- Confidentiality and NDA for Non-MMC Staffs and Members
2. Resubmission
- 2.1B-Application-Form-Resubmission
- 2.4-Requirement-Checklist
- 2.7A-Protocol-Information
- 2.7C-Protocol-Evaluation-Form-for-Resubmission
3. Amendment
- 2.1C-Application-Form-Amendment
- 2.4-Requirement-Checklist
- 2.7A-Protocol-Information
- 3.2-Protocol-Amendment-Review
4. Protocol Deviation
5. Serious Adverse Event (SAE)
All on-site Serious Adverse Events (IRB SAE Form 3.1A) must be reported within seven (7) days by accomplishing the SAE MS Form 3.1 using this link: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=IEx2RVwuOU-OmUJpz4WH-8-EJvxUBT5Nio-gZrF0lBJURUtETkZIQjlSREZJSk9aOUpESzRTMjFYTi4u.
*Afterwards, ensure to save a copiable PDF version of the accomplished MS Form 3.1 and send it to the IRB via email. The PDF version must be submitted with a cover letter intended for the SAE submission.
6. Progress Report
7. Final Report
8. Early Study Termination
Note: All requirements must be submitted online to the official IRB email: [email protected] for screening.